14:45-15:00Opening speech
Replicative DNA polymerases and the replisome - 1
Chair: Peter Burgers
15:00-15:25Thomas Kunkel The importance of finishing what you start: The fidelity of Okazaki fragment maturation
15:25-15:50Erik Johansson In crystallo study of the reaction mechanism in a family B DNA polymerase
15:50-16:05Johann Jonas Roske Molecular snapshots of daughter strand synthesis and proofreading by the human leading-strand polymerase Pol ε
16:05-16:20Alain Nicolas DNA polymerase δ: A single Pol31 polymorphism suppresses the strain background-specific lethality of Pol32 inactivation in S. cerevisiae
16:20-16:35Janice Pata Structure and kinetics mechanism of S. aureus DnaE: implications for the initiation of Okazaki fragments in Gram-positive bacteria
16:45-17:15Coffee break
Replicative DNA polymerases and the replisome - 2
Chair: Polina Shcherbakova
17:15-17:40Rodrigo Bermejo Strand asymmetry of DNA damage tolerance mechanisms in response to replicative polymerase blocks
17:40-17:55Markel Martínez-Carranza Replication Protein A interactions with DNA polymerases within the archaeal replisome
17:55-18:10Tahir Tahirov Human primosome requires replication protein A when copying DNA with inverted repeats
18:20-21.00Welcome reception
Replicative DNA polymerases and the replisome - 3
Chair: Erik Johansson
09:00-09:25Peter Burgers The Rev1-DNA polymerase ζ mutasome
09:25-09:50Joseph Yeeles Replication fork stalling and collapse at Topoisomerase 1 cleavage complexes - EMBO Young Investigator Lecture
09:50-10:05Michal Dmowski The CMGE helicase-polymerase complex is involved in coordinating DNA replication with the cell cycle and shaping genome stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
10:05-10:20Emily Beckwitt Recruitment and assembly of replication stress checkpoint signaling factors
10:30-11:00Coffee break
Function and regulation of DNA polymerases - 1
Chair: Luis Blanco
11:00-11:25Patricia Kannouche New insights into the functions of DNA polymerase zeta in mammalian cells
11:25-11:40Justyna McIntyre Regulation of the cellular level of polymerase ɩ
11:40-11:55Leonardo Betancurt-Anzola Proofreading mechanism for family D DNA polymerases
11:55-12:10Whitney Yin An interaction network in the polymerase active site is a prerequisite for Watson-Crick base pairing in Pol gamma
Function and regulation of DNA polymerases - 2
Chair: Joann Sweasy
13:15-13:40Vanesa Gottifredi Through PCNA binding, the cyclin kinase inhibitor, p21, regulates the choice of the DNA polymerase in charge of nascent DNA replication thereby protecting the chromosomic stability of cells
13:40-13:55Kristin Eckert Replicative DNA polymerase epsilon and delta holoenzymes show wide ranging inhibition at G-quadruplexes the human genome
13:55-14:10Lisanne Spenkelink Single-molecule visualisation of polymerase dynamics at G-quadruplexes
14:10-14:25Deepak Thankappan Nair New answers to old questions regarding DNA synthesis by DNA polymerases
14:35-15.05Coffee break
DNA polymerases in DNA damage repair and tolerance - 1
Chair: Dale Ramsden
15:05-15:30Joann Sweasy Functional Roles of DNA Polymerase Beta Human Variants
15:30-15:45Julien Duxin Catalytic and non-catalytic functions of DNA polymerase kappa in translesion DNA synthesis
15:45-16:00Simone Sabbioneda The catalytic activity of DNA polymerase η prevents G-quadruplexes accumulation in vivo and triggers the DNA damage response upon their stabilization.
16:00-16:15Stephen Kowalczykowski Direct coupling of DNA recombination machinery to the E. coli replisome facilitates repair of ssDNA gaps
16:15-16:35Group photo
16:35-19:00Coffee break and Poster session
DNA polymerases in DNA damage repair and tolerance - 2
Chair: William Copeland
09:00-09:25Dale A Ramsden DNA polymerases in end joining double strand break repair
09:25-09:50Wei Yang Stitching up Double-strand breaks
09:50-10:05David Szüts Translesion polymerase choice determines the mutagenic outcome at replication-stalling lesions
10:05-10:20Dmitry Korzhnev Adaptable interactions of translesion synthesis scaffold proteins
10:20-10:35Česlovas Venclovas Common themes in architecture and interactions of prokaryotic PolB2 and Pol V mutasomes
10:40-11:10Coffee break
DNA polymerases in DNA damage repair and tolerance - 3
Chair: Marc Delarue
11:10-11:35Sylvie Doublie Functional consequences of domain self-assembly in DNA polymerase θ: A tale of protein oligomerization and the limitations of AI
11:35-12:00Rick Wood Extension, insertion, and deletion by Pol θ during DNA repair
12:00-12:15Kei-ichi Takata The tolerance of DNA damage by human mus308 homologs, POLQ and HELQ
12:15-12:30Irina Bezsonova A novel connection between Y-family DNA polymerases and the nucleotide excision repair proteins
12:30-12:45Jordane Goulas Unraveling the role of the accessory subunit REV7 in the regulation of DNA polymerase zeta bypass activity in mammalian cells
14:00-15:00Additional time for discussion by posters
15:00-18:00Free time and sightseeing
19:00-23:00Gala dinner
DNA polymerases from viruses
Chair: Wei Yang
09:30-09:55Marc Delarue Structural studies of large DNA polymerases from phages by cryo-EM
09:55-10:20Marcin Nowotny Reverse transcriptases in retroviral replication and antiphage defense
10:20-10:35Michal Roman Szymanski Coordination of Enzymatic Activities by the SSB-like Domain in Phage DNA Polymerase
10:45-11:15Coffee break
DNA polymerases and diseases
Chair: Patricia Kannouche
11:15-11:40William Copeland Structural insights into mitochondrial DNA replication and disease relevance
11:40-11:55Maria Falkenberg Molecular consequences of POLG mutations and new avenues of treatment
11:55-12:20Polina Shcherbakova DNA polymerase ε variants in cancers: a novel genomic signature and discovery of new driver alleles
12:20-12:35Helmut Pospiech Targeting metabolic pathways important for human cancer cells with an ultramutator phenotype
12:35-12:50Penny Beuning Classification and characterization of human DNA polymerase kappa cancer-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms
13:05-13:20Meindert Lamers Deciphering DnaE2, the polymerase that drives antibiotic resistance in M. tuberculosis
DNA polymerases and biotechnology
Chair: Richard Wood
14:40-15:05Luis Blanco DNA primer synthesis by PrimPol, and its use in novel DNA amplification methods
15:05-15:20Emma Verver Polymerases and replication processes in action: observing individual molecules in real time
15:20-15:35Kyle Vrtis Advancing rolling circle and whole genome amplification applications with a newly engineered phi29 DNA polymerase
15:35-15:50Kelly Zatopek Everybody makes mistakes: Utilizing high-throughput sequencing to determine replicative DNA polymerase fidelity
15:50-16:20Poster awards and next meeting planning
16:20-16:35Concluding remarks